Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First time in History!

A beagle took 1st place at the Westminster Dog Show. YEA!!!!!!! Uno is almost as cute as Tess!

FOX Sports on MSN - - PHOTOS: Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show - Number 2

A Very Cold Week!

It has been bone chilly cold up here. I hate it. I now understand the whole winter depession thing.... Really! The wind chill is crazy. Note to self-vacations in the winter is a must..

I have been working really hard to make a great family meals most nights of the week. It has been great for family time and the meals I'm making have been historic if I do say so my self.
I'm going to sharing a recipe every week that works for us, hopefully it will work for your family too. This is a rub I got from Paula Dean's web site. I use it for everything. I keep it in a shaker in my pantry and use it daily.

Paula's Mix
1 cup salt
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder
Mix well and keep in a airtight container. Enjoy

Melt In Your Mouth Chicken
4 boneless chicken breast
1 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons season mix
Mix mayo, cheese, and seasonings
Spread mixture over chicken and place in baking dish
Bake at 375 for 45 mins.
Serve with Rice-it is great.......

Ive been working on my Vision Board it is coming together very nicely. I will take a picture of it and post it next week.

I was looking on the HGTV message boards and I saw a recipe for MIRACLE CREAM and I was very interested in the title. I decided to make it, it has changed my life as I know it.

8 ox of Vitamin E Cream (I only found this a walmart in the lotion section)
15oz of Baby Lotion (you can use another lotion but the Vit E cream is a stronger scent)
8 oz of Vaseline

Mix with a hand mixer. I bought some extra mixer blades just for the cream. Put it in a plastic bag and cut a whole at the bottom and squeeze (just like it is frosting) it into containers. I got mine at Ikea. Try it you will like it. Joe has tried it he just asked me for another bottle. I love that. Let me know if you like the recipes.

Tell next week~

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Week of TV watching!

Golf with Tiger Woods
America's Funniest Home Videos ( Nick and I personal favorite!)
The Girls Next Door

Prison Break

American Idol
Dirty Jobs
LA Ink

Project Runway
Wife Swap
Top Chef

Ace of Cakes

Nothing/Catch up on what I TIVO!

Nothing/Catch up on what I TIVO!

Crazy Uh, I love reality TV.
Im not sure why, just do....

I think I might need to cut back. Someday.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

January 2008

I am going to recap January
and then I will give you weekly updates.....
January 2008

Happy Birthday Jess & Joe!
They celebrated their 19th birthdays by going to Mexico. I was on Pins and Needles the entire time they were gone. They had a great time. Jess took over 400 pictures. They are currently in the process of Scrapbooking they're memorable trip. This was Joes first time on a plane. He did great!

I will remember January as being DAMN cold. I was never so thankful for the temp to go over 1 degree without a wind chill. I was praying for a school closing due to the extreme coldness. But, No such luck... My van was not happy with me at all. I heard noises I have never heard before. Poor Besty....

Roy has been taking some computer classes. He just celebrated his 20th year with ATT (Cinuglar, SBC, What ever they are going with this week.). He is doing great!

Nick has started indoor Soccer. He really enjoys playing. He also enjoys playing Ebox with Joe, Jess and Roy, dreaming of the day when he can skateboard again, eat turkey sandwiches. I not kidding you he eats at least 2 a day. He is a growing boy.

I'm very busy at work. Trying to get y craftroom cleaned, organized and functional. It has been great to have my own room to decorate anyway I have wanted.

We had family fun night last Friday. Nick is in charge of picking what we do as a family. He picked going to see "Meet the Spartens". It was just ok. It was a spoof on all the current news and movies. I found myself shaking my head in complete dismay more then laughing. Go at your own risk. Dont say I didnt worn you....

Well, I will start Blogging very Sunday with a recap of the week of what is going on in the Grove....
Im going to leave you with this thought:

A dozen things to-do today!
Remember that some of the worlds
nicest joys are its most special people,
and that you are definitely one of them!
Take care of that special person.
Enjoy the ride.
When the world is too busy, slow it down.
Climb one rund, higher on the ladder to your stars,
imagine what the view will look like when you get to where you are going.
Stay in touch with your inner voice, it always speak the truth.
When you have been working hard give your batteries time to recharge.

Remember you are someone who is thought of
with friendship and with love,
keep a smile on that wonderful face of yours.
Have a great day and be happy!!!
Till next week

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sad News In Hollywood!

I was sad to hear the news about Heath Ldger. What a shame. If you havent seen this movie-Do!It is one of my family's favorites.

Image: 10 Things I Hate About You: Music From The Motion Picture: Various Artists

Monday, January 14, 2008

I have been tagged!

Random things about me.............


What is your salad dressing of choice?
Ranch with lots of croutons!

What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Wendy's/Taco Bell

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Grantic City

What food could you eat everyday for two weeks and not get sick of?

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Cheese, Pepperoni, Light Sauce

What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter & Strawberry Jelly


What is your wallpaper on your computer?
Phil Collins

How many TV are in your house?

How many computers do you have?


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
I think I would

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

What color do you think looks best on you?

Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
Yes, a quarter back in the day


Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000.00?
No way

Would you never blog again for $50,000.00?

Would you pose naked in Playboy for $250,000.00?
No way, Sorry Hugh!


What is in your left pocket?

How many pairs of Crocs do you own?

When was the last time you had a run in with the Cops? and Why?
3 years ago going to fast

Who is your number 1 on your list?


Last person who called you?

Last person you hugged?

Last person you talked to?



Spring/Fall (equally)





Dr. Phil (Its a good one too)

Worrying about?
Work Crap

What is it you cant wait to do?
Go Ice fishing or snowmobiling with my family

What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
August Rush

Do you practice RAK weekly?
Yes, I think that is very important!

Now it is your turn....

Have a great week. Hugs

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

August Rush

I went and saw this movie a couple of weeks ago and loved it. I havent seen a good movie in a very long time. The storyline was new and was casting was wonderfully done. Keri Russell was amazing.

August Rush

I saw this on a other blog and imported it effortlessly..... I am really enjoying blogging. Watch out in 2008!

Have a great week. Nance