Sunday, February 3, 2008

January 2008

I am going to recap January
and then I will give you weekly updates.....
January 2008

Happy Birthday Jess & Joe!
They celebrated their 19th birthdays by going to Mexico. I was on Pins and Needles the entire time they were gone. They had a great time. Jess took over 400 pictures. They are currently in the process of Scrapbooking they're memorable trip. This was Joes first time on a plane. He did great!

I will remember January as being DAMN cold. I was never so thankful for the temp to go over 1 degree without a wind chill. I was praying for a school closing due to the extreme coldness. But, No such luck... My van was not happy with me at all. I heard noises I have never heard before. Poor Besty....

Roy has been taking some computer classes. He just celebrated his 20th year with ATT (Cinuglar, SBC, What ever they are going with this week.). He is doing great!

Nick has started indoor Soccer. He really enjoys playing. He also enjoys playing Ebox with Joe, Jess and Roy, dreaming of the day when he can skateboard again, eat turkey sandwiches. I not kidding you he eats at least 2 a day. He is a growing boy.

I'm very busy at work. Trying to get y craftroom cleaned, organized and functional. It has been great to have my own room to decorate anyway I have wanted.

We had family fun night last Friday. Nick is in charge of picking what we do as a family. He picked going to see "Meet the Spartens". It was just ok. It was a spoof on all the current news and movies. I found myself shaking my head in complete dismay more then laughing. Go at your own risk. Dont say I didnt worn you....

Well, I will start Blogging very Sunday with a recap of the week of what is going on in the Grove....
Im going to leave you with this thought:

A dozen things to-do today!
Remember that some of the worlds
nicest joys are its most special people,
and that you are definitely one of them!
Take care of that special person.
Enjoy the ride.
When the world is too busy, slow it down.
Climb one rund, higher on the ladder to your stars,
imagine what the view will look like when you get to where you are going.
Stay in touch with your inner voice, it always speak the truth.
When you have been working hard give your batteries time to recharge.

Remember you are someone who is thought of
with friendship and with love,
keep a smile on that wonderful face of yours.
Have a great day and be happy!!!
Till next week

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