Monday, October 29, 2007

A Perfect Sunny Day In The Grove

I love this weather. I wish it could be like this everyday. Sunny with just a little nip in the air. Perfect!!

I got a call from one of my Best Friends from High School today. Paulie Poo.... It was great to hear his voice. I miss talking to him.

JBird & 1st responder went and got Mooch a Rocking Gamers Chair. We saw it at the store for $30.00. Mooch informed me that it would easily be 3X's more than that anywhere else. You should of seen his eyes when he walked in today after school. Priceless. With this chair you can hook up your MP3 player to listen to music. I asked him if it would play Phil Collins?! He just gave me that look.

I love this one~ Here's to you Paulie Poo...
~Even though we're miles apart... please know I keep you in my heart.

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