Sunday, October 28, 2007

What a great Weekend......

I hope everyone got out and enjoyed the weather. It was incredible! I also hope you got to enjoy that full moon. It was very cool.

Happy 5th Birthday
I hope you had a great day. You are loved greatly..... You bring all of us much love and joy daily.

JBird and 1st Responder went to pick out their pumpkins. They ended up getting 5 very large pumpkins and a light purple mum. I guess the man working there really must of liked them. They ended up giving me the Mum to enjoy. Thanks J and Jo that was so dang sweet and thoughtful.

Mooch is skateboarding lot, and getting better everyday. He is getting ready for Soccer to start in January. He was in hog heaven this weekend-it was back to back Goosebump all weekend long. The little things in life.

I was busy trying to get moved into my new "Craftroom." Big Boy loves to call it the "Craproom". I cant believe all the S--T, I do have. WOW..... My goal is to be moved in by November 1st. (I think that is Thursday, right). I think I can, I think I can.....


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