Sunday, November 11, 2007

Big Score!!

Yesterday, I went by our old Target in town and remembered that they where selling all of there store fixtures. I had no expectations when walking in the door. I was mainly looking for scrapbooking related items. I saw a box of greeting cards sitting on the floor and asked the man walking around helping with questions how much the box was and he said $.20.00. I said sure without hesitation. He also informed me that there where 3 more boxes in the next row over. Needless to say I got all 4 boxes. I spent the whole night sorting and delighting at my recent score!!!!

Tomarrow is the first 12x12 layout. I cant wait. I think the project will really make me open my eyes to all the blessings that surround me and my family.

I really am haveing fun doing this blog. I hope Im not boring anyone to pieces.

~Learn Fom Yesterday
Live For Today
Hope For Tomorrow

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