Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving from the Grove!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ours was very nice. Big Boy and I went out to get the groceries for the meal and got a 26# turkey. It sounded like a good idea at the time. We had 3 people from one family and 6 from another and our 5. 14 total in our kitchen/living room. It actually worked out nicely.
Well back to the 26# turkey, it was so dang big. Big Boy made us do the basting every 30 minutes method. I wanted to put it in the big plastic bag and call it a day. It took forever to cook that turkey. We said we were going to eat at 2pm and we finally said enough at 330pm. Everyone loved my stuffing. My mom would of been proud. With everyone going back for 2nd and 3rd we did not have ANY leftovers. Damn....

We were going to see a movie but couldn't find one we all wanted to see. So we stayed and played card games. It was a fun, relaxing, tummy filled day.

Things I'm Thankful for:

*A husband that is the BEST! I love him more everyday......

*My wonderful family that has to put up with a lot of mood swings lately.

*Having a room of my own to be creative and build lifelong memories in.

*A older sister who I can call at anytime for support, encouragement & advice. She is truly a treasure
whom I'm blessed to have in my life.

*For my very dear friends whom I share a lot of laughter with.

I do have a lot to be Thankful for this year! Thank you GOD you are gracious and kind to me and my family. For you all things are possible.

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