Friday, November 16, 2007

Thank goodness it is Friday....

I have never been so ready for a Friday. It has been a hellish week. The kids at school are out of control! I dont understand why boys have to be so phyical in the Gym. I consider a great day in the gym if there is no blood and didnt need to crack open a ice pack. I have been in the gym before and had to give out 3 ice packs. Mind you we are are only in the gym for 45 mins a day.... For the love of God. Help me!

I did a scrapbooking project at Weaver with 15 kids this week and it was great. The kids were wonderful. We made journal jars. I had 4 boys in the class, that is not the norm.

This weekend is going to be cleaning, organizing, and planning for Thanksgiving.

~We need time to dream, time to remember, and time to reach the infinite. Time to be.

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