Thursday, November 8, 2007

Enjoying the Fall in the Grove

This is by far my favorite time of the year. I love the crispness in the air!

Looks like J and 1st Responder are going to Mexico in January. I'm I nervous? You better believe your sweet cheeks. I need to remember she is growing up and is going to be on her own soon. She is a very responsible young lady. I am so proud of her.

I saw on a Scrapbooking show where one of my favorite scrapbooking guru's (Stacy Julian) does a 12 on 12. I love that idea, I'm going to run with it. Stacy takes 12 random picture on the 12th day of the month and then journals it. You are doing this for the whole year. So look for my 12 on 12 this month. Im going to do one for home and one for the site. Mooch asked me if I could meet Stacy or Oprah who would I pick? Without any hesitation I picked Stacy... Can you believe it?

Congratulations Walt Spader for winning another seat on the Broomfield Council. Broomfield you are very lucky to have such and respectable, honest Man. Walt you are amazing. Phil your dad rocks!!!

~How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the comments about Dad. THanks for thinking of us.