Sunday, November 18, 2007


Mooch and I spent a good amount of time this weekend cleaning up the endless supply of leaves in are backyard from the tree I love. We had to get everything ready for the winter weather coming soon, but hopefully not to soon. Mooch stopped mowing at one point and played with Tess in the mounds of leaves on the ground. It was priceless. Mooch has a great playful, heart......

Well I know you are dieing to know how I'm doing on my Craft room. I thinking it is more Crap room! Just kidding. It is going really well. I have a lot of motivation this weekend. I watched Oprah the other day when the lady that had a shit load of CRAP in her house and that was enough for me. I'm not anything like her but understand how it can affect things around you. I want to be creative and having fun in my room. Big Boy is the best. He went and got me a flat screen TV for the room. He is the very best. I'm am so blessed to have him. I love you more everyday.....

We had are weekly Viking party today. The menu: Beef and Chicken Fajitas. They were a huge hit. Everyone was asking me for the recipe. What can I say?

Big Boy and John are thinking about applying for the next round of the "Amazing Race". The tryout are taking place until the 27th of this month. I think it would be a great adventure.

Jbird is slowing getting back to her hours at Famous Dave's. A couple came in today and ask Management why J has been off for the last 4 Sundays. They had brought in a special signed book for her. She is a great Kid. She is growing up to be a wonderful young lady.

1st responder got his Passport today!!! Yea! Now we are just waiting for Jbird to get her.

How lucky am I?!!!!!!!!!!

This is for Mooch and Jbird.....

a shoulder to cry on
a smile to count on
& love to live on.....

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