Saturday, November 3, 2007

Halloween in the Grove

Halloween was a HOOT this year.

Jbird and 1st responder went and got 5 pumpkins. One for each of us. They used the stencils and saw technique. I used the sharpie and knife technique. Big Boy did a words "Happy Halloween" with a bare tree-very cool with a ton of details. He took 3 hours to do it. J did a window with a cat and a spider in it. It was super. 1st responder did a jeckal face. One side was full the other side was a outline. He did a great job on it. Mooch did a pirate ship. It was very realistic. They all spent a ton of time on it. I walk upstairs where they had been working for awhile. I picked up mine, examined it and realized it had a lot of blemishes. So I took out my trusty sharpie and went to town. I guess the best way to describe it as smiley face. Total time invested 30 mins. I dont think they were overly impressed.

When the kids started coming to treat or treat we asked a couple of them which one do you like? A lot of the kids liked mine the best. What is the moral of the story? When your good, you are good.

J and 1 st responder took her "kids" out and they decided to take Tess with them. She was so excited. She wore her "Pup-peroni" Bandanna proudly. She was as cute as a bug! Mooch and the neighbor kids went too. They only stayed for a short time because their main goal was to get the "mother lode". You ask what did my 9th grader go as? He put on his backpack and went as a student. He is killing me. He told me a lot of the people got a kick out of it. I have to believe that cause the number of kids going out has gone down every year. I think we had about 25 kids. He came home with a ton of candy. He gave a lot of it to us because of his braces. Thanks Mooch....

Thanks J and 1st responder for making our Halloween a special memory....

~A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your friend. I love you J!

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