Monday, December 10, 2007

Where does time go?

Wow, it's Dec. 10th. A lot has happened in the last 2 weeks. We had to take Ceaser back the other day. Mooch has shown a reaction to him. He was starting to get runny noses, and when he got scratched it left big red welts. So as a family he decided to give him back. We did it with in the 2 weeks so they gave us a full refund. Thank goodness. It was a very sad day at the House..We took a lot of pictures so I will post one really soon.

I spent most of the weekend cleaning and organizing the basement. It looks great. I feel really good about all that I got done. I also got most of my Christmas shopping done. I just have to wrap and send everything. It feels good to have most of done. I have had a really fun time putting my moms package together.

Guard will your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thank God It's Friday!!!

I went to a co-workers baby shower last night. It was in a very SWAKKY neighborhood~It was catered and had a bartender. Can you believe it? They were serving Mango-Rita's! I think after all was said and done I drank about 4 Mango-Rita's. Boy did they go down smoothly. Annie is priceless. Cadi finally got her girl after 2 boys. It was a great night. Thanks Cadi!

I'm so glad its Friday. It was a long week. It was a Non-School Day for us in Minnesota. That means I work all day with the kids, with no break! I know you are thinking I'm is crazy. One of our family's last day at the site was today. I will miss them deeply! The kids gave the site 4 Hoilday movies, they also gave me a scrapbooking page kit. It was very thoughtful.

Tess is really getting to enjoy Ceaser's the ferrets company. It is cute to watch them interact with each other. Tess will follow him everywhere, he goes under the tree she is right there behind him. We had to baby proof the rooms. Big Boy put him to bed and Tess laid on the floor next to the cage and fell asleep.

They are saying we are going to get 8-12 inches of snow on Saturday. I will let you know how much snow we actually get.

~Kindness, like a boomerang. always returns.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving from the Grove!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ours was very nice. Big Boy and I went out to get the groceries for the meal and got a 26# turkey. It sounded like a good idea at the time. We had 3 people from one family and 6 from another and our 5. 14 total in our kitchen/living room. It actually worked out nicely.
Well back to the 26# turkey, it was so dang big. Big Boy made us do the basting every 30 minutes method. I wanted to put it in the big plastic bag and call it a day. It took forever to cook that turkey. We said we were going to eat at 2pm and we finally said enough at 330pm. Everyone loved my stuffing. My mom would of been proud. With everyone going back for 2nd and 3rd we did not have ANY leftovers. Damn....

We were going to see a movie but couldn't find one we all wanted to see. So we stayed and played card games. It was a fun, relaxing, tummy filled day.

Things I'm Thankful for:

*A husband that is the BEST! I love him more everyday......

*My wonderful family that has to put up with a lot of mood swings lately.

*Having a room of my own to be creative and build lifelong memories in.

*A older sister who I can call at anytime for support, encouragement & advice. She is truly a treasure
whom I'm blessed to have in my life.

*For my very dear friends whom I share a lot of laughter with.

I do have a lot to be Thankful for this year! Thank you GOD you are gracious and kind to me and my family. For you all things are possible.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Mooch and I spent a good amount of time this weekend cleaning up the endless supply of leaves in are backyard from the tree I love. We had to get everything ready for the winter weather coming soon, but hopefully not to soon. Mooch stopped mowing at one point and played with Tess in the mounds of leaves on the ground. It was priceless. Mooch has a great playful, heart......

Well I know you are dieing to know how I'm doing on my Craft room. I thinking it is more Crap room! Just kidding. It is going really well. I have a lot of motivation this weekend. I watched Oprah the other day when the lady that had a shit load of CRAP in her house and that was enough for me. I'm not anything like her but understand how it can affect things around you. I want to be creative and having fun in my room. Big Boy is the best. He went and got me a flat screen TV for the room. He is the very best. I'm am so blessed to have him. I love you more everyday.....

We had are weekly Viking party today. The menu: Beef and Chicken Fajitas. They were a huge hit. Everyone was asking me for the recipe. What can I say?

Big Boy and John are thinking about applying for the next round of the "Amazing Race". The tryout are taking place until the 27th of this month. I think it would be a great adventure.

Jbird is slowing getting back to her hours at Famous Dave's. A couple came in today and ask Management why J has been off for the last 4 Sundays. They had brought in a special signed book for her. She is a great Kid. She is growing up to be a wonderful young lady.

1st responder got his Passport today!!! Yea! Now we are just waiting for Jbird to get her.

How lucky am I?!!!!!!!!!!

This is for Mooch and Jbird.....

a shoulder to cry on
a smile to count on
& love to live on.....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thank goodness it is Friday....

I have never been so ready for a Friday. It has been a hellish week. The kids at school are out of control! I dont understand why boys have to be so phyical in the Gym. I consider a great day in the gym if there is no blood and didnt need to crack open a ice pack. I have been in the gym before and had to give out 3 ice packs. Mind you we are are only in the gym for 45 mins a day.... For the love of God. Help me!

I did a scrapbooking project at Weaver with 15 kids this week and it was great. The kids were wonderful. We made journal jars. I had 4 boys in the class, that is not the norm.

This weekend is going to be cleaning, organizing, and planning for Thanksgiving.

~We need time to dream, time to remember, and time to reach the infinite. Time to be.

Monday, November 12, 2007


I missed her SO much. I couldn't even bring myself to go in the nurses office that whole week. Last night Mooch and I went to get her something special. I knew I wanted to get her some flowers but that didn't seem like enough, so I saw these cute posters and thought that would be a wonderful idea. We picked one that had a lot of puppy faces all over it. I thought it was just what the Dr. ordered.
I took 2 of the little treasures with me this morning on
Isn't that what life is all about, making others feel special and loved!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Big Score!!

Yesterday, I went by our old Target in town and remembered that they where selling all of there store fixtures. I had no expectations when walking in the door. I was mainly looking for scrapbooking related items. I saw a box of greeting cards sitting on the floor and asked the man walking around helping with questions how much the box was and he said $.20.00. I said sure without hesitation. He also informed me that there where 3 more boxes in the next row over. Needless to say I got all 4 boxes. I spent the whole night sorting and delighting at my recent score!!!!

Tomarrow is the first 12x12 layout. I cant wait. I think the project will really make me open my eyes to all the blessings that surround me and my family.

I really am haveing fun doing this blog. I hope Im not boring anyone to pieces.

~Learn Fom Yesterday
Live For Today
Hope For Tomorrow

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Families mean everything!!!!

Big Boy and I watched the Oprah show yesterday, it was wonderful. Going down memory lane with the entire Osmond's 100+ family. It brought back a flood of memories for both of us. I would listen to Donny and Shawn Cassidy a lot when I was growing up. Donny was so dang cute. We were both moved by the love and loyalty the whole family has for each other.

I was moved to tears 2 times while watching the show yesterday.

When Marie talked so fondly of her wonderful relationship with her dad. I think every girls would want and deserve that kind of special bond with her father.
When Marie gave Oprah her doll. It was the sweetest looking doll I have ever seen. I don't usually like dolls but this one is very special. I copy a picture of it so you can see just how special it itruely is.
The Newest Marie Osmond Doll: Baby Oprah

I was trying to find the lyrics to Alan Osmond (my favorite brother) song that they sing at the end of every concert. But, couldn't find it so I will keep trying to find it, and post on another day.

I found this quote on families and thought it was fitting.

Families share a special bond
that words alone can't quite describe
for each member plays their part
in contributing to family pride
Yet it won't matter years from now
who said what or did what when
its laughs we've shared & places we've been
that are remembered time and time again
though special pictures and written words
filled with warmth and family love
to be enjoyed by family here and now
and generations still to come.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Enjoying the Fall in the Grove

This is by far my favorite time of the year. I love the crispness in the air!

Looks like J and 1st Responder are going to Mexico in January. I'm I nervous? You better believe your sweet cheeks. I need to remember she is growing up and is going to be on her own soon. She is a very responsible young lady. I am so proud of her.

I saw on a Scrapbooking show where one of my favorite scrapbooking guru's (Stacy Julian) does a 12 on 12. I love that idea, I'm going to run with it. Stacy takes 12 random picture on the 12th day of the month and then journals it. You are doing this for the whole year. So look for my 12 on 12 this month. Im going to do one for home and one for the site. Mooch asked me if I could meet Stacy or Oprah who would I pick? Without any hesitation I picked Stacy... Can you believe it?

Congratulations Walt Spader for winning another seat on the Broomfield Council. Broomfield you are very lucky to have such and respectable, honest Man. Walt you are amazing. Phil your dad rocks!!!

~How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Vikings finally did it!

We had a great time watching the Viking finally get a well deserved win. Big Boy is so funny he started drinking his famous 7&7's. It was all over for the rest of us. We have some great friends. I sure live a blessed life here in the Grove!

We are so excited the Amazing Race starts tonight. It is going to be a great night of TV.

~The happiness of life is made of little things..... a smile, a hug, a moment of shared laughter.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pup Perroni Tess!

Now that I have the picture thing down, you will be seeing a lot more of them.

Halloween in the Grove

Halloween was a HOOT this year.

Jbird and 1st responder went and got 5 pumpkins. One for each of us. They used the stencils and saw technique. I used the sharpie and knife technique. Big Boy did a words "Happy Halloween" with a bare tree-very cool with a ton of details. He took 3 hours to do it. J did a window with a cat and a spider in it. It was super. 1st responder did a jeckal face. One side was full the other side was a outline. He did a great job on it. Mooch did a pirate ship. It was very realistic. They all spent a ton of time on it. I walk upstairs where they had been working for awhile. I picked up mine, examined it and realized it had a lot of blemishes. So I took out my trusty sharpie and went to town. I guess the best way to describe it as smiley face. Total time invested 30 mins. I dont think they were overly impressed.

When the kids started coming to treat or treat we asked a couple of them which one do you like? A lot of the kids liked mine the best. What is the moral of the story? When your good, you are good.

J and 1 st responder took her "kids" out and they decided to take Tess with them. She was so excited. She wore her "Pup-peroni" Bandanna proudly. She was as cute as a bug! Mooch and the neighbor kids went too. They only stayed for a short time because their main goal was to get the "mother lode". You ask what did my 9th grader go as? He put on his backpack and went as a student. He is killing me. He told me a lot of the people got a kick out of it. I have to believe that cause the number of kids going out has gone down every year. I think we had about 25 kids. He came home with a ton of candy. He gave a lot of it to us because of his braces. Thanks Mooch....

Thanks J and 1st responder for making our Halloween a special memory....

~A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your friend. I love you J!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Remembering Poppie

Boy, do I miss you! I cant believe it has been 14 years. Could it be? I enjoy talking to you everyday and know you would be really proud of all of us and where we are and what we have become. But, I know you know that cause I feel you close to me everyday. I enjoy our daily talks. You can send me more messages~you know I love that!

~When I miss you I don't have to go far. I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find you.

~You maybe out of my sight-but never out of my mind. I MISS YOU DEEPLY......

All our love~

A Perfect Sunny Day In The Grove

I love this weather. I wish it could be like this everyday. Sunny with just a little nip in the air. Perfect!!

I got a call from one of my Best Friends from High School today. Paulie Poo.... It was great to hear his voice. I miss talking to him.

JBird & 1st responder went and got Mooch a Rocking Gamers Chair. We saw it at the store for $30.00. Mooch informed me that it would easily be 3X's more than that anywhere else. You should of seen his eyes when he walked in today after school. Priceless. With this chair you can hook up your MP3 player to listen to music. I asked him if it would play Phil Collins?! He just gave me that look.

I love this one~ Here's to you Paulie Poo...
~Even though we're miles apart... please know I keep you in my heart.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What a great Weekend......

I hope everyone got out and enjoyed the weather. It was incredible! I also hope you got to enjoy that full moon. It was very cool.

Happy 5th Birthday
I hope you had a great day. You are loved greatly..... You bring all of us much love and joy daily.

JBird and 1st Responder went to pick out their pumpkins. They ended up getting 5 very large pumpkins and a light purple mum. I guess the man working there really must of liked them. They ended up giving me the Mum to enjoy. Thanks J and Jo that was so dang sweet and thoughtful.

Mooch is skateboarding lot, and getting better everyday. He is getting ready for Soccer to start in January. He was in hog heaven this weekend-it was back to back Goosebump all weekend long. The little things in life.

I was busy trying to get moved into my new "Craftroom." Big Boy loves to call it the "Craproom". I cant believe all the S--T, I do have. WOW..... My goal is to be moved in by November 1st. (I think that is Thursday, right). I think I can, I think I can.....